“I don’t really understand, what do you guys do at ableneo?”
My name is Radka, and I am a Talent Acquisitions Lead at ableneo. I’ve always been a people person. I like the technology. And conversations with smart people. But, during the first months at ableneo, I have struggled a bit.
It is more complicated to explain what the company does when you do not have a physical or software product. When interviewing candidates and talking to them, they often ask me, what do we do and how are we different from other similar companies.

Here is the answer:
We like to call ourselves innovation enablers, which means engineers looking for personal growth not only in the technical area but also in the social area. That is actually our product. We believe that innovation is not only a question of creativity, but it is the adoption process and focuses on business value, which makes the change a success story in the end. That is why ableneo is combining engineering, transformation, and business competence in order to have a new, holistic approach to organizational change.
We provide:
Solutions — an agile delivery model as the best solution for complex software solutions and data monetization solutions.
Consulting — technology consulting leading you through ideation, validation, experimenting, scaling, and improvement.
Workforce — innovation enablers are flexible, competent experts who deliver change aligned with your strategy and goals.
Our core technologies are:

We see any innovation as a strongly explorative process, therefore we are using experiments and early customer feedback as much as possible. We approach any change, project, or innovation with our disciplined process based on SCRUM focusing on maximum efficiency and business value generation. We believe that an open-source strategy is the best accelerator for innovation. ableneo is strategically focusing on enterprise open source products and frameworks and partnering with leading open source vendors offering enterprise-ready solutions applicable for mission-critical use-cases.
We are a team of innovation enablers working onsite or remotely as:
- Backend Engineers (Java)
- Frontend Engineers (Angular, React)
- Fullstack Engineers
- Portal Engineers (Liferay)
- Scrum Masters
- Agile Project Managers
- Data Scientists
Is it more clear now? Do you understand it better?
If yes, we are constantly looking for clever people with a strong technical background but also an innovation enabling mindset. We are never just developing — we are changing and growing together to bring better solutions to our customers. If you want to join our Talent Network, we will be happy to hear from you. You only have to join once:
I will be happy to chat with you.
“I don´t really understand, what you guys at ableneo do?” was originally published in ableneo People on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.