Quality of code with testing is always one of my primary goals. But what more is important to deliver and maintain a project?
“Learning a new technology, discovering the possibilities of applying this technology in a digital product as proof of concept, sharing this new knowledge with the team, improving knowledge of the technology within the team and benefiting from the technology as a whole.”

I found this approach as one of the most important in building a modern IT project.
And it is not just about new technologies. Improving the daily “way of coding” is also very important. The design of code (architecture of classes and modules, integration of libraries and framework, code refactoring, etc), setting and enforcing quality gates (like code reviews & testing, documentation, etc), agility, and many more — improvements like this can bring benefits to a project — the project can be easily maintained, extended and be more cost-efficient.
Deep knowledge of open-source technologies and quality of software craftsmanship are for me very important. Therefore, participating in discovering new technologies and improving development practices will be my daily job in ableneo and I am looking forward to share my experience and help us all upgrade to the next level.
With experience from various challenges in the field of web and backend development and data management/processing/visualization, I will reinforce ableneo’s team of developers and IT architects.
During my career, my managerial skills have been tested regularly, particularly when I was responsible for the delivery of projects in the corporate sphere. As a co-founder of the company SmartHead, we had the difficult challenge to design and build a successful digital product from scratch. To prepare the architecture, build, deliver and set up monitoring of a complex web & data platform was a difficult task that left no room for error.
I believe all my previous experiences are a perfect match for ableneo, which values the same principles that are very important also for me. Together we can bring innovations to our clients, find joy in our daily work, and learn new things along the way.
How important is investing time into the quality of IT projects? was originally published in ableneo People on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.