How does it feel to join a team without meeting anyone in person ?

One of our freshly onboarded members, Michal Somorovsky, tells the tale.
,,You will try a lot of different apps for online meetings (Teams, Skype, Zoom).
You can be prepared better in the comfort of your own home.
“Can you hear me? Do you see my screen?” Most frequent words you will hear (applies also for daily working life meetings).
Print your contract, sign it, scan it, and send it back. (ok, why not)

Daily working life
- You will need to figure out who is the right person for your question.
- You will feel bad because even simple tasks will take you a lot of time (from the beginning, it gets better later).
- You will try to work overtime, to make a better impression.
- But you will adapt and maybe start stressing out about getting back to normal working life.

- You will always know the name of the person you are talking with (except the meetings, in meetings you need to guess sometimes)
- Everything can be solved in one call
- You can work from bed, you can eat during meetings (not recommended)
– Social contact (even introverts need some)
– Everything can be solved in one call. You will need to call a lot.
– Meetings. Meetings every day.
– You probably won’t recognize your new colleagues when you meet them in person.
– It’s hard to tell when it is the right time to start or end your working day.”

How does it feel to join a team without meeting anyone in person ? was originally published in ableneo People on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.